Friday, June 3, 2011


Ugly, isn't it? I almost left the country with nothing but warm fuzzies - until tonight. As Cristina and I were walking down the sidewalk tonight on our way to grab a farewell meal, we passed a couple on the sidewalk. As I walked by, the guy said under his breathe 'nigger'. Actually, it was more like nee-gare. It was pretty creepy and especially off-putting because he was the same height as me and it felt like he whispered it right into my ear. Because they were walking past us, it happened super fast and I didn't get a look at him because it was night time and really, what am I going to do - yell something back at him? That could only bring trouble.

I had to blog about this and get it out of my system so I wouldn't obsess about it so much. I was thinking about it for a good part of the meal. The challenge of it is do I let this one incident color (no pun intended!) my whole experience? Fuck no and fuck him! If anything, he just reminded me that no matter where you go, people are indeed people. You'll meet some spectacular individuals as well as the ignorant shitheads. Case and point, I've been called nigger before in the states, in my hometown and some yahoo will probably call me one in the future. What are you going to do? Haters are haters. I am glad that this happened at the end of my trip instead of the beginning. That would have been a lot more harder to deal with.

Let's end this blog on a high note, shall I? I had a wonderful time here. I got a chance to experience a different culture, met new people and most importantly, I got to make some art. No regrets here.

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