Whoa - it's been a bit of time since I wrote. I must admit that when I get focused on one thing, I tend to become a little lax with others. Since my last entry, I've fallen back in love with going to the gym. Okay, it's more like 'like' than 'love'. In any case, it's been good. I've been also trying to be more active with my very small yoga practice at home. Since my trip to South America, I feel motivated to get in better shape and shed a few pounds. It's not that I'm hoping to pull off a miracle and loose a ton so I can be skinny. I've NEVER been skinny and never will. This new found motivation is born out of being exhausted. I am so tired of being the largest person where ever I go. It just seems that way to me. I'm tall, so that is always going to make me stand out. I've traveled enough in my life that it seems every city or country I visit, I am huge! Where are all the tall people?! Maybe it's just me. In any case, being tall and heavy does more of a disservice to me than being a asset. So, I am back on the work out wagon.
Enough of that, let's talk art. I usually like to write in response to something I've read or have seen. There really hasn't been a lot going on that I've found interesting to write about. In my immediate world, I am working on a piece for a group show at Peerless Gallery here in Omaha. The group show is called Les Femmes Folles Presents. It's a pop up show organized by Sally Deskins. It's going to be pretty cool because of the participants. Some really awesome ladies doing interesting work as well as some musical acts. My friend Renee's band Blue Rosa is performing and I am very excited for that! The gallery is located in the newly renovated section of Omaha called Midtown Crossing. I am a featured artist, so my work will be placed in the window of the gallery.
I've befriended the two owners, Daphne and Caleb. They invited me to come into their space and make my piece there on site. I happily accepted and immediately fucked up their wall with my painting! Because I am one of the featured artist (Kim Reid Kuhn is the other), my work will be placed in the window of the gallery. My original idea was to do a large version of an image like my Black Catalogue series. However, it just wasn't clicking. I felt more compelled to paint a large lady to add to my series "The Great Garden". Because the work is more suggestive, I asked Caleb and Daphne how they felt about it. They were like, go for it. Going for it I am. The imagery comes directly from porn sites, specifically a category called POV (point of view). I love the extreme camera angle and the distortion of the figure. I worked on the painting yesterday. It is a lovely, round, green-skinned woman from the view point of looking up at her backside. It's so fun painting an ass that is bigger than mine! Today, I'm going to start decorating her with bright flowers. We'll see what the good people of Midtown Crossings think.